GlobaleSIM > Black friday – everything you should know about the shopper’s holiday

Black friday – everything you should know about the shopper’s holiday



“Che-ching” is the sound of the cashier, which makes lots of noise in november. Welcome to black Friday and cyber monday – when everybody sells, buys and talks about online marketing, campaigns and limited offers.

Black friday  – the origins


Black Friday is an annual shopping event that originated in the United States and is now observed in various countries around the world. The official date of this world-wide online shopping holiday this year is 24.11.23
It takes place on the day after the Thanksgiving holiday, which falls on the fourth Thursday of November. Black Friday marks the unofficial beginning of the holiday shopping season, and it is known for offering significant discounts and deals on a wide range of products.



The term “Black Friday” was originally used to describe the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic that occurred on the day after Thanksgiving. However, over time, it became associated with retailers offering special sales and promotions to attract shoppers.

On Black Friday, both physical retail stores and online retailers offer substantial discounts on popular items such as electronics, clothing, home appliances, toys, and more. Many retailers open their doors early in the morning, sometimes even at midnight, and offer limited-quantity “doorbuster” deals to attract customers. These doorbuster deals often involve deeply discounted items that are available for a short period or in limited quantities, leading to long lines and sometimes even frenzied shopping situations.

Black friday & Cyber monday – What should I buy?


Well, each and every one of us has his choices and preferences, but we may agree about one thing: Travelling is fun, Technology is an amazing helper, and planning each and every flight or vacation is a smart idea!


This year, we’re gonna celebrate “black friday 2023”. No matter where you gonna be or fly to, you may get your data pack & eSIM now. If you planning a trip to France you may buy our local eSIM pack,
eSIM france, or eSIM Europe. If u haven’t decided yet what’s you next deatnation, byt pretty sure it’s gonna be in Central america, you can buy our eSIM for Central america now and activate it whenever you want. Middle east calling? You might answer with our data pack – eSIM for Middle east.


Black friday 2023 – be a smart shopper

Black Friday has become a highly anticipated event for shoppers who seek to take advantage of the significant discounts available.Do you on-line shopping wisely. Our
team is recommendation going like this :

  1. Make a list of things that you need – now or in the future to come 
  2. Make another list of things that you want

Then, be a smart shopper and collect information about things. U may use some sheets to collect all the information you need; like prices, benefits and other variables.
It has also evolved into a cultural phenomenon, with some people making it a tradition to shop on Black Friday with friends or family members.



However, it’s important to note that Black Friday has also been associated with overcrowded stores, long lines, and occasionally instances of unruly behaviour. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of retailers spreading out their sales over a longer period or offering online deals to alleviate some of these concerns.


If you plan to participate in Black Friday shopping, it’s advisable to plan ahead, research the deals in advance, and be aware of any safety guidelines or restrictions that may be in place.

Yep, you’re gonna see a lot of advertising nowadays. But better be a smart shopper and collect
data before you pay or buy. Make a list, count your needs and shop wisely for your next vacation.



If you are planning a flight or any trip, you may check our data plans &
eSIM packs. 

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Have a pleasant trip
Globalesim Team